Certification to design better buildings
Building certification is a tool to manage and evaluate the green performance of a building. EGS-plan provides certification services of the most common rating systems in Thailand and Southeast Asia such as DGNB, LEED, TREES, WELL, and EDGE.

LEED : International Prestige
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) seeks excellence, verifying that the construction of a building achieves green building requirements from the earliest phases of the design until the end of the commissioning process.
- Location and transportation
- Sustainable Site
- Water efficiency
- Energy and atmosphere
- Materials and resources
- Indoor environmental quality
- Innovation in design and process

WELL : Human as a core
Managed by the International WELL Building Institute, it is similar to the LEED Certification in its conception. However, WELL strictly focuses on health and well-being of the building occupants and considers not only building design and construction but also the future building operation and user behavior.
- Air
- Water
- Nourishment
- Light
- Movement
- Thermal Comfort
- Sound
- Materials
- Mind
- Community
- Innovation

TREES : Thai Local Cerification
TREEs (Thai’s Rating of Energy and Environmental Sustainability) is the local adapted building certification system based on LEED. It was translated into Thai language and the requirements were modified to suite the needs of an emerging country such as Thailand.
- Site and Landscape
- Water Conservation
- Energy and atmosphere
- Materials and resources
- Indoor environmental quality
- Environmental Protection
- Green Innovation

DGNB : More than green !
The DGNB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen e. V.) certification system was developed by the German Sustainable Building Council in 2008 and was further developed ever since. Key features of the DGNB system are a life cycle approach (LCC & LCA) instead of filling out simple checklists, incorporation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and international adaptability.
- Ecological quality
- Economic quality
- Functional and sociocultural quality
- Technical quality
- Process quality
- Quality of the place
- Site quality

EDGE : Economical path to building green
EDGE is a green building certification system for emerging markets created by IFC, a member of the World Bank Group. EDGE is a measurable way for builders to optimize their designs, leading to a more investment-worthy and marketable product. By keeping certification fast and inexpensive, EDGE keeps pace with the momentum that developers need to stay at the forefront of the green building trend. EDGE covers 3 topics:
- Energy
- Water
- Materials

BEC : Thai Building Energy Code
From 2021 onward, new buildings larger than 10,000 sqm. are required to achieve the BEC energy standard as a minimum requirement in the approval process. The standard is developed by the Thai Ministry of Energy. It determines the building energy performance through the evaluation of the building enclosure, the HVAC systems and the lighting design.